Michele Phelan Currivan

  • Homeless people? Acknowledged
    Chopsey Hill Rd Bridgeport, CT, 06606, USA - Bridgeport
    To many people stating they are homeless holding street signs begging for money. Dangerous for drivers being distracted.
  • 2-30 Westfield Ave Bridgeport, CT, 06606, USA - Bridgeport
    Someone has painted over the sign that requires a 15 foot no parking zone on street corner. You can barley get around the corner. Cars now parked on both sides since new nail salon opened up on opposite corner. Sign needs replacing.
  • 115 Westfield Ave Bridgeport, CT, 06606, USA - Bridgeport
    The green toter top is cracked allowing water to leak into the can when it rains. Making quit a mess and heavy can.
    Can I request a second can please.
    Thank you for your time.